Meet the Artist: Josh Tiger Rowe
- Where’d it all start?
It started at University while studying for a science degree. I sold my car for a camera and a motorbike, then began shooting sports at the university and big wave surfing with my best friend in and around Cape Town’s biggest surf spots. Things snowballed and my work grew into film-making eventually. The photography realm was a huge catalyst so whenever I have the chance, I pick up my stills camera and feel right at home telling stories.
- Favorite photo you've taken and why?
Not sure my favourite photo exists just yet. One of my favourites is this one taken in Rwanda of a 17-year-old boy carrying grass on his head back to his village. It moves me to think of other people's lives and the journey they're on, their sacrifices, and how their reality can be so vastly different from ours. It’s an instant humbling moment when you look at it, not scroll past it, but wait, look and take it all in.
- Where do you want to shoot next?
I was planning a trip to Yellowknife, NWT, in Canada. The aim was to shoot portraiture and moving images of the Wolf tracking unit that fly by chopper in and out of the Arctic circle, darting wolves and Elk for tracking and data purposes. The project is currently on ice as we wait for the world to normalize. I’m pretty excited to be shooting around the home, for now, there are stories to tell around every corner, maybe we will do another road trip off-road with a Ferrari.
- Craziest moment you've had while shooting or traveling for a shoot?
Traveling through Liberia on muddied roads, staying in the villages and eating wild bush meat or Jaloff, washing with a bucket every night, and hearing the torrential rains pour down, talking to children whose parents had just died of Ebola, speaking to parents whose children have been abducted for witchcraft to affect the outcomes of political elections. Realize people's joy when they have nothing, the depth of their faith, and the happiness they experience from everyday things we take for granted.
- Favorite photographer or artistic inspiration?
Joey Lawrence for his portraiture and never relenting pursuit of telling important stories through photography, oh and Roger Deakins, of course.
- Favorite book, TV show, or movie from the past year?
Mindhunter and Losers
- Last meal on earth? (food, setting, people, etc.)
Sitting on a terrace in Italy, overlooking the Mediterranean with a bottle of red wine, sourdough bread, pasta, gnocchi, wood-fired pizza, and beautiful jazz ringing in the background with strangers all around enjoying the music, a couple of close friends and family and maybe my future dog at my feet.