Meet the Artist: Alina Maria Rybacka

Meet the Artist: Alina Maria Rybacka

    Where’d it all start?
    I am an architect by education. I graduated from the Faculty of Architecture at the Gdańsk University of Technology, I also spent a year in Germany on Erasmus at BTU Cottbus. An MSc in Engineering sounds proud :) I always tell this anecdote that my dream was going to design school. In Poland, graphic design studies are very artistic. My mother was afraid that if I went to such artistic studies I would be very poor and not generate enough money. And since I was good at mathematics and physics, architecture seemed to be a good solution. Of course, I had no idea then what architecture really was all about.

    So I started this studies, even got to like it somewhere in my 2nd year and 3rd year especially when I studied abroad. I was convinced that I would be the architect. And I was even it for a while. Only the whole time I also had the problem. I felt that I did not give 100% of myself in this profession.

    And graphics design accompanied me all the time. During making charts, 3d visualizations, posters, etc. I had such ease with graphic design. I was more willing to listen to lectures, and read books, I was so hungry for knowledge. And I've always liked doing it. At one point I said to myself "Alina, this is enough with this whole architecture thing. Stop kidding yourself. Maybe it's better to go into graphic design and make your life easier". As I thought, I did so. I must admit that it gave me a lot of relief, such as reconciliation with myself.


    Favorite piece you’ve created and why?
    I don’t have one favourite project. I love everything made for and with architects. I also like the challenges that I am making on Instagram. There are usually the most creative projects that I’m doing and they allow me to acquire new skills. I always feel after that that I am a better designer than I was before. Like 36 days of type – because of that I am much better at designing logos. 30 days of skillshare learned me new options in photoshop and illustrator that I haven’t known before.



    Where do you feel the most inspired?
    I love my flat so probably there :D I have my own working space there to create and paint.


    What advice do you wish you could give to your younger self?
    Invest in yourself, not listen to others, especially when they discourage you from designing. Try new techniques, even if you suck at this. It is often a matter of finding the tool that suits us. And you will find one eventually. Also experience life, travel, and talk to other people, especially not with designers. Listen and learn - this allows us to grow and develop.


    Favorite photographer or artistic inspiration?
    I’m not sure if I have any artistic inspirations/idols. For sure I follow on Instagram a few great designers like Studio Dumbar and Timo Kuilder. Mostly I follow Polish folks like Edgar Bąk, Ada Zielińska, Patryk Hardziej, Wędzicka, and many more.


    Favorite book, TV show, or movie from the past year?
    The Office was a series that I binge-watched probably more than 4 times last year. It  is the most iconic, memic and original tv show I have ever see


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