Meet the Artist: Jeremy Bishop

Meet the Artist: Jeremy Bishop

    Where’d it all start?
    It all started when a friend of mine handed me his GoPro and told me to film him surfing out in the water. From there I fell in love with photography and water photography. There is something so satisfying about shooting photography in the midst of all the action.


    Favorite photo you’ve taken and why?
    My favorite images and projects have been my recent work around my passion project riding my motorcycle. In all my work, I try and mix a sense of adventure into each project. With my automotive work, I can shoot at new locations while showcasing the adventure of riding through my work.


    Where do you feel the most inspired?
    I feel the most inspired near the ocean. I have always loved shooting in the water, whether it was surfing or underwater photography.


    What advice do you wish you could give to your younger self?
    Running your own business is very difficult and takes time. Buckle up, you are in for a ride.


    Favorite photographer or artistic inspiration?
    My favorite photographer is still Woody Gooch. His work inspired me when I was starting to get into photography and traveling to Australia. My artistic inspiration is pulled from many sectors: Action sports photography, architecture and design, and Travel photography. I find myself interested and shooting more of a wide range of subjects.


    Favorite book, TV show, or movie from the past year?
    My favorite book this last year is ‘Green Lights’ by Matthew McConaughey


    Last meal on earth? (food, setting, people, etc.)
    My last meal on earth would be Ramen with a group of buddies at the surf break in Indo.


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