Meet the Artist: Terry McLaughlin
- Where’d it all start?
I joined Instagram in 2012 and was super inspired to start exploring my city of Los Angeles with my iPhone only lol. Over time I really fell in love with photography and decided that it was something I wanted to do for my career.
- Favorite photo you've taken and why?
That’s too hard to choose because so many photos have a special place in my heart for various reasons.
- Where do you want to shoot next?
Hmm, as soon as it’s safe to travel again I would like to continue where I left off. Top of my list is Italy, Portugal, Spain, Iceland, Namibia, Dubai, and back to Asia to visit my friends.
- Craziest moment you've had while shooting or traveling for a shoot?
Meeting up with my hood buddy in Paris for a night of exploring the catacombs beneath the city. We met at sunset at a busy intersection and he said let’s go and he lifted up the manhole cover while the traffic was stopped at a red light. Probably the craziest night of my life about 12 hours of exploring the ancient tunnels under Paris. Having a candlelight dinner in an abandoned German bunker. Wading through waist-high water. Rooms and galleries of bones of the dead. Crazy artist installations are made from bones like the throne of bones. To wiggling through a curved hole that we could barely squeeze through that was at least 40 feet long. It definitely tested it to the max. I actually have a lot of crazy stories but this experience definitely takes the cake lol.
- Favorite photographer or artistic inspiration?
So many great artists out there who inspire me daily. Trashhand, Blowithand, Jordon Hammond, Rkrkrk, Josiahwg, I love good street photography. I love kaws and futura.
- Favorite book, TV show, or movie from the past year?
Blade runner, joker, justice league, euphoria, and raised by wolves are some of my favorites.
- Last meal on earth? (food, setting, people, etc.)
If I could die in Mexico or Italy for my last meal that would be perfect. Two of my favorite countries to eat in.