Meet the Artist: Sol Rapson
My junior year of college during spring break, my girlfriend told me to take my dad’s old film camera with us to Joshua Tree. I didn't even know they still made film. I put 3 rolls through it and haven’t stopped shooting ever since.
Favorite photo you’ve taken and why?
Probably one of my Delorean photos. The owner of this vehicle and I met by chance on the salt flats, and I was struck by this replica car from the Back to the Future movie perched on an open space during an insane sunset. We both happened to be in the right place at the right time. I wasn't planning on driving to the flats until the next morning, but for some reason an hour and a half before sunset I felt compelled to drive the hour and a half to get there. I pulled up right as the sky went off.
Where do you feel the most inspired?
Anytime I'm on the road. I try and spend a few months out of every year living out of my Van, and I always make my best work like that.
What advice do you wish you could give your younger self?
I wish I had picked up a camera earlier! I originally went to school to play baseball, until I got injured, but it's important to balance that out by doing something creative.
Favorite photographer or artistic inspiration?
Probably Carrie Boretz, she's an insane NY street photographer from the 70s-90s. Other than that I love Rob Hann, and am constantly inspired by my friends Eddie Grogg, and Marco Di Stefano.
Favorite book, TV show, or movie from the past year?
Sopranos and Seinfeld!
Last meal on earth? (food, setting, people, etc.)
There's a little taco spot deep on the coast in Ensenada, Mexico. I could eat those for every single meal if I had to.